Commentary on the book of jonah 1

In chapters 1 and 4, the prophet is rebelling against god. Jonah was a prophet in the land of israel about 800750 bc. In sharp contrast to the disobedient prophet, the pagan sailors are models of piety and faithfulness, as they honor god, offer sacrifices, and make vows verse 16. Jonah 1 commentary, one of over 110 bible commentaries freely available, this commentary, by the leading authority in the church of christ, presents a verse level look at the bible. This book of jonah, though it be placed here in the midst of the prophetical books of scripture, is yet rather a history than a prophecy. They asked him how the sea could be made calm again, and he told them to throw himself into it. This book contains the prophecies attributed to the prophet jonah, and is a part of the book of the twelve minor prophets. The book of jonah is listed among the minor prophets, but jonah is nowhere in this book called a prophet.

Jonah 1 jonah running from god a sermon by jeremy myers. Book of jonah overview insight for living ministries. Jonah slept in a place where he hoped no one would see him or disturb him. This book was an exceptionally good and concise commentary on the book of jonah. Go to the great city of nineveh and preach against it, because its wickedness has come up before me. Jonah 1 niv jonah flees from the lord the word of bible. Though i must state that the author is writing from the view of didactic fiction meaning that he views the book of jonah as based on a historical figure and life, but not a record of literal history. Jonahs experiences form the main contents and purpose of the book. But jonah ran away from the lord and headed for tarshish. Jonah, however, is sent to nineveh, not solely for ninevehs good, but also to shame israel, by the fact of a. The only case of a prophet being sent to the heathen.

He went down to joppa, where he found a ship bound for that port. But he could not understand how god could love even foreign nations who did bad things. As the sections are completed, this is where they will get posted. The prophecy of jonah to jeroboam conveys some important background material to enhance our understanding of this book. Jonah 1 commentary john calvins commentaries on the bible.

Using human logic many so called scholars, have questioned the authenticity of the book of jonah, because they find it hard to believe a fish could shallow and man and the man live. Before we dive into the book, let me provide the historical setting of jonah. David guzik commentary on jonah 1, where jonah receives a call from god, but decides to run from. Jonah 1 commentary commentary critical and explanatory on. Sleeping christians like to hide out among the church jonah slept in a place where he could not help with the work that needed to be done.

Jonahs prayer of thanksgiving while inside the fish ch. Jonah 1 commentary james burton coffman commentaries on the. An outline is easy to make, when we follow the four chapters in which the book is divided. Determining date and authorship of jonah remains problematic, as explicit references do not exist within the narrative. Passing over the brief prophecy of obadiah, with its veiled reference to the messiah in saviours who will go up on mount zion, under the leadership of the jehovahsaviour, for the kingdom shall be the lords obadiah 1. Now l nineveh was an exceedingly great city, 1 three days journey in breadth.

However, the opening words of the book, now the word of yahweh came to jonah the son of amittai 1. Summaryafter jonah told the sailors about the god he served, and they put it together with what he had already told them of his flight from gods presence, they became extremely afraid. So the book of jonah is a story about missions, but not in the way that most of us think. We should notice that the call to nineveh did not change jonah 3. Obedience to the lords command will bring an end to his correction. One can only imagine the thoughts which must have passed through jonahs mind as he came to grasp what had happened to him.

Recorded at the bible lessons international studio. Probably there are few among us who would not have tried to decline such a mission. His making use of us is an evidence of his being at. Jonah 1 now the word of the lord came to jonah the son of. Now the word of the lord came to jonah the son of amittai, kjv nkjv nlt niv esv csb nasb. He was gods instrument to carry out gods will on earth. The book contains fascination interaction between men and god, which sasson brings out well. As the grace commentary on jonah is written, posts will be added to the chapters below. Commentary on the book of jonah relevant bible teaching. Jonah signifies a dove, a proper name for all gods prophets, all his people, who ought to be harmless as doves, and to mourn as doves for the sins and calamities of the land.

Most all of the commentaries want to see jonah repenting somewhere in the book, some as early as chapter 1. F2 but, of course, such criticisms are apparently founded in ignorance of the truth that, this is a common formulary linking together revelations and histories. Verse 1 now the word of jehovah came unto jonah the son of amittai, saying, now enemies of this book do not hesitate to take the ax to the very first word in it, affirming that, jonah is a fragment, the continuation of a larger work. Then the army of the country of assyria defeated syria in war. It does seem safe to conclude that this jonah is the same person as the jonah who is the subject of the book of jonah, especially since both are identified as the son of amittai 2 cp. Title following the lead of the hebrew masoretic text mt, the title of the book is derived from the principal character, jonah meaning dove, the son of amittai 1. Throughout the history of the christian church this seemingly simple work has caused radically diverse views on. He must not whisper his message in a corner, but publish it in the streets of nineveh. A great fish is not only the divinely appointed means of deliverance 1. The only prophetic message that jonah announced was the one about the coming judgment over nineveh jonah 1.

The structure of the book of jonah the book of jonah has an interesting structure that might be described as mirror images, or book ends, or, more technically, a chiastic structure. Jonah free bible commentary in easy english easyenglish bible. Jonah flees from the lord the word of the lord came to jonah son of amittai. When the army of syria defeated the army of israel in war, it took some of israels land. Jonah 1 commentary matthew henry commentary on the whole. And one of the synagogue readings for yom kippur is the book of jonah in hebrew, sefer yonah. Jonah chapter 1 coffmans commentary of the new testament. Sleeping christians stay away from the work of the lord jonah slept while there was a prayer meeting up on the deck. You can find the best commentary on jonah for you using the tools on the right side. David guzik commentary on jonah 1, where jonah receives a call from god, but decides to run from him, which god prevents by sending a storm. Jonah therefore is the only prophet of the ot revealing the grace of god towards the heathen. The witness of jonah max reich the messianic hope of israel. Study jonah 1 using matthew henrys bible commentary concise to better understand scripture with full outline and verse meaning.

Consequently, scholars must consider linguistic and historical factors to approximate such information. Dixon, 6 if sin is the problem, then honest confession is the remedy see 1 john 1. I am currently writing commentary on the book of jonah. Top 5 commentaries on the book of jonah ligonier ministries. Now the word of the lord came to jonah the son of amittai, saying, arise, go to nineveh, that great city, and cry out against it. Discussions on the old testament the book of jonah. But the book of jonah is not meant to be a historical account. Jonah 1 commentary commentary critical and explanatory on the. Commentary on the book of jonah jonah 1 1the word of the lord came to jonah the son of amittai saying, 2arise, go to nineveh the great city and cry against it, for their wickedness has come up before me. We may hope that he told with sorrow and shame, justifying god, condemning himself, and explaining to the mariners what a great god jehovah is. May 19, 2014 discussions on the old testament the book of jonah.

Jonah 1 commentary commentary critical and explanatory. Jonah 1 now the word of the lord came to jonah the son. The miracles partially look like coincidents but the hand of god is behind them all. So if you are interested in studying jonah, bookmark this page, and check back soon. Identified in verse 1 as the son of amittai, jonah came from a town called gathhepher, near nazareth in the area that. Consequences of disobedienceout of the frying pan, into the fire. Nov 11, 2012 but god is not finished with jonah, as 1. Their wickedness, as that of nineveh, is a bold and open affront to god.

It is a well known story for obvious reasons, not least of which are a disobedient prophet, an obedient fish and a wicked nation that starts out bad, yet ends up good. The honour god put upon jonah, in giving him a commission to go and prophesy against nineveh. After paying the fare, he went aboard and sailed for tarshish to flee from the lord. Jonahs psalm is a poetic description of his deliverance from drowning. But it displeased jonah exceedingly, and he became angry. The book of jonah, written primarily in the third person, does not explicitly name the prophet as the author of his own account, but we have no reason to doubt either the inspiration or the historical veracity of the book. During this time, an important event happened to israel. Those conscious of guilt shrink from the presence of their fellow man into concealment. Jonah must go at once to nineveh, and there, on the spot, cry against the wickedness of it. Jonah 1 bible commentary matthew henry concise christianity.

Verses 12 this book is a story about god and jonah. Jonah with book summary versebyverse bible commentary. It is sad to think how much sin is committed in great cities. There is no reason to conclude from this that the book of jonah is only a fragment of a larger work. Come, and let us cast lots the sailors betake themselves to this practice, because they see that there is something supernatural in the tempest. His making use of us is an evidence of his being at peace with us. Bob utley, retired professor of hermeneutics bible interpretation.